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Verified Truth is Power [and we don't give it up]

That the truth the environment is at threat is not new, today's article in the Guardian announcing that "Many researchers are fleeing the platform, unnerved by the surge in climate misinformation since Musk’s chaotic takeover " is just confirming what we already knew: it is time for #researchhubs #scientists #academies #education #researchers #publishers to reconsider how they transfer knowledge and opt for #secure#verifiedtruth as the new normal.

Research dated 2020 suggests that the misinformation network begins with funding supplied by corporate and philanthropic actors with a vested interest in climate change – particularly in fossil fuels. This money goes to a range of groups involved in producing misinformation. These groups – referred to variously as the “climate change denial machine” and “organized disinformation campaigns” – include political and religious organizations, contrarian scientists and online groups masquerading as grassroots organizations (known as “astroturfing”). People in positions of power, such as the media, politicians and prominent bloggers, then repeat and amplify this information in an “influencers echo chamber” and from there it reaches a wider audience.

A change is much needed. #covid lesson did teach us something [or not]? Collaboration is the only way to overcome global challenges, mistrust and misinformation are impediments we can't afford, we need new ecosystems where truth and trust feed each other to enhance and empower collaboration.

Knowledge is power and we can't give it up.

For those who don't know, QuTii is a non-profit initiative powered by TiiQu technologies. It is politically neutral, it aims to offer the open square for protecting, sharing, broadcasting, verifying and ensuring facts so that truth prevails.

A new category of experts is coming and we hope every researcher, specialist, scientist, technologist, and policies expert will want to join. This movement of knowledgeable people grows and builds trust and changes the way we work out the quest for information.

The AOTs continuously validate their competency through their co-validated contribution and provides open access to verified truth. We are just at the beginning but things are clear in our minds: we will not give up the right to contribute and benefit from truth.

This week's update:

  1. We are focussing on converting biodiversity-related research into Q&A with the aim to test how Data Visualization can help to maximize the benefit of this powerful library of truth

  2. Three new AOT joined this week welcome to Meghan, Gabriela and Louise

  3. New QuTii pages:

previously published Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage here

Treaty implementation and compliance here

Standing Committee on Finance here

The Green Climate Fund here

Emissions Global Landscape 2022 here

The climate change glossary here

Decarbonization in Japan here

Decarbonization Day: MARS here

Adaptation Agenda here

Climate change evidence here

Innovative finance here

Investment emissions here

Elements of reform here

Assessing and measuring risk and cost of capital here

Debt sustainability here

Insure against shock here

The carbon credit scheme here

Private philanthropy and aligning financial flows here

Finance for climate action here

Food security here

Just transition here

Youth Day -Youth Global issues here

Youth-led Climate Forum here How you can participate There are multiple ways how you can take an active part in the project, here are a couple of ideas, more to come!

AOT; Researchers, scientists, Writers, and Journalists can join AOTs and help convert documents from COP27 into bite-size knowledge ready for validation. To learn more, schedule a call here

Non-Journal contributors: Environmentalists and Green Innovators can contribute to growing awareness about green innovation

NGOs, Research hubs and academies can make available OA access research to be converted into questions and answers for the benefit of all

Useful links for exploring more:

And now is the time for cartoons! Enjoy AOT episode n.3 by Niccolo' Smaldone

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