Mindset is the set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and also how you see yourself in it. What you believe, guides your action. Mindset is informed by what we experience, by the notions we acquire and by the feelings we have.
Sadly today, human beings are more customers than active citizens. Data is power; who owns data owns people and their thoughts. Customers' behaviours produce Data that inform Governments and large Corporates to provide "customized" services and products.
Because vested interests can shape people's minds and choices through biased information, the freedom for everyone to cultivate their mindset is at risk. The bad news is that doing nothing facilitates manipulation, and the good news is that we can choose not to do so.
We get what we give or what we allow sophisticated algorithms to extract from our behaviour. When we do nothing at all, the impression is that we do not participate however the reality is that we allow information to expand without our contribution. Don't be passive to misinformation. It's costly.
Being passive citizens of the Motherland is not a solution it is an accelerator for something we may not like to happen.
We can change the paradigm.
We can be active agents of truth, say our word, ask questions, learn from others' questions, be informed by questions and their answers and build thinkings upon transparent access to information that we participate to validate based on how eligible our competence is to do so.
Truth is the result of circularity of knowledge
Furthermore, we cannot change without change. Not only that, but we are the change we want. If there is something I learned, this is that change is feared by those who estimate having something to lose from it. I also learned that truth and trust are not products and have no customers can only be participatory features of change-driven societies where inhabitants do not fear but benefit from evolving together.
This week's progress on the QuTii platform:
Polls and Surveys
With the increase of complexity also the importance of accurate, real-time information to complement, inform and drive research, standards definition, and innovation. Demystifying mindsets by voicing and equalizing perspectives is already the goal of QuTii, however how to inform and measure the relevancy of these perspectives in real-time? Polls Admins will now be able to launch polls and surveys from topics pages.
We identified a number of ways this new feature could help and we now want to learn your point of view, would you mind helping? You can access (and see how it works here)
With loads of information coming in from every source some valuable and some not, how do we keep up contributing the voice where it makes sense to do so? Now every User can watchlist pages: a notification is generated when something new comes in, for answering, interacting or starting discussions.
User Profile
The entire TiiQu and QuTii philosophy is about enhancing truth and trust.
QuTii is a fact-based platform that places participation and co-creation at the very core. It is not a place for self--promotion but rather a place for recognition of value. We wanted a new way for participants to broadcast their real value. Contributors benefit from a contribution page that lists all on-platform contributions and a "talk page" where they can establish trust through discussions on topics that matter to them.
New pages
Here the updated list of pages ready for contribution from scientists, technologists, researchers
Cities' impact on nature here
Biodiversity Decline here
Biodiversity indicators here
Soil biodiversity here
Plants diversity here
Impact of biodiversity on malnutrition here
Drivers of biodiversity loss here
No Net Loss in biodiversity (NNL) here
COP27 Documents | Report of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 2022 here
COP27 Documents | 5th Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows here
COP27 Decision documents - Revision of the UNF CCC reporting guidelines here Clean energy investments here Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage here
Treaty implementation and compliance here
Standing Committee on Finance here
The Green Climate Fund here
Emissions Global Landscape 2022 here
The climate change glossary here
Decarbonization in Japan here
Decarbonization Day: MARS here
Adaptation Agenda here
Climate change evidence here
Innovative finance here
Investment emissions here
Elements of reform here
Assessing and measuring risk and cost of capital here
Debt sustainability here
Insure against shock here
The carbon credit scheme here
Private philanthropy and aligning financial flows here
Finance for climate action here
Food security here
Just transition here
Youth Day -Youth Global issues here
Youth-led Climate Forum here
"Your mindset is yours". This is a statement that can hardly be considered non-objective.
"A green mindset gives a longer perspective". This is my opinion - and therefore subjective.
You can disagree on subjective evaluations if you like, however, you need to recognize when a statement is subjective and potentially biased. You cannot do so when information is unverified or validated by a unique source of truth, You can be closer to the truth, when multiple parties with different perspectives come together to agree entirely or partly with that statement.
If you are there with your mind , then welcome: you landed on QuTii where we can benefit from p2p generated, technologically protected and universally shared truth.
You can join other AOT and play your part, learn more today here . and stay tuned, we come back Next Newsletter Monday 19. (On LinkedIn or here) Time for AOT cartoons now, enjoy episode 4 by Niccolo' Smaldone